Contributed to Dillon County SCGenWeb by Carolyn Klear, 1 Nov 2002
Dillon Herald September 9, 1937 Vol 41 #44 page 1
Herring-FarleyA marriage announcement of interest to Dillon friends of their groom is that of Miss Nell Herring and Edgard B Farley which was solemnized in Marion Sunday, August 29, in the presence of a few friends.
Mrs Farley is the daughter of Mrs Mary Herring and the late R M Herring of Mullins and was graduated from Mullins High School.
Mr Farley is the son of Mrs H L Farley. He attended Dillon High School, and National Business College, in Roanoke, Va. He is now engaged in farming in Dillon.
The young couple will be at home for the present with the groom's mother on East Main Street.