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Hi, my name is Carolyn Golowka and I am the County Coordinator for Edgefield County. Any comments or suggestions would be welcome. Feel free to contact me.
Queries October 1998
Surnames: VANN WALLS
Submitter: John Byrd (jbyrd16476@ij.net)
Date: 31 Oct 1998
Edward VANN, born Horn's Creek, Edgefield District, March 24, 1763, married 1790 in Edgefield District ELIZABETH WALLS, daughter of JOHN WALLS. If you have any information concerning these families, please e-mail me.
Surnames: VANN WALLS
Submitter: John Byrd (jbyrd16476@ij.net)
Date: 31 Oct 1998
Edward VANN, born Horn's Creek, Edgefield District, March 24, 1763, married 1790 in Edgefield District ELIZABETH WALLS, daughter of JOHN WALLS. If you have any information concerning these families, please e-mail me.
Submitter: Chuck Timmerman (xbmg14a@prodigy.com)
Date: 30 Oct 1998
Looking for further information on Timmerman's of Edgefield, Greenwood, McCormick, & surrounding areas. Have accumulated some but interested in what you have. Also Harling, Welch, Barton & Morgan connected families.
Submitter: jim mccarter (n5ddc@airmail.net )
Date: 30 Oct 1998
looking for information on william p squyers b abt 1756 in edgefield co. wife name anne(lewis or moody) 9 children born in edgefield between 1790 and 1810 before moving to louisiana. may have come in by boat to charleston sc. any information would be appreciated thanks in advance
Surnames: LOVE
Submitter: Jan Minter (JanM22222@aol.com)
Date: 30 Oct 1998
I am looking for information on James LOVE born about 1764 in Edgefield, SC.. Married to Mary ? I would love to share information on this family.
Submitter: Chuck Timmerman (xbmg14a@prodigy.com)
Date: 30 Oct 1998
Looking for further information on Timmerman's of Edgefield, Greenwood, McCormick, & surrounding areas. Have accumulated some but interested in what you have. Also Harling, Welch, Barton & Morgan connected families.
Submitter: jim mccarter (n5ddc@airmail.net )
Date: 30 Oct 1998
looking for information on william p squyers b abt 1756 in edgefield co. wife name anne(lewis or moody) 9 children born in edgefield between 1790 and 1810 before moving to louisiana. may have come in by boat to charleston sc. any information would be appreciated thanks in advance
Surnames: LOVE
Submitter: Jan Minter (JanM22222@aol.com)
Date: 30 Oct 1998
I am looking for information on James LOVE born about 1764 in Edgefield, SC.. Married to Mary ? I would love to share information on this family.
Submitter: Ann Fuller (AHF@Backroads.net)
Date: 30 Oct 1998
Searching for any information on Hayward DAVIS and Margaret MABRY DAVIS. Their daughter Nancy Catherine DAVIS married John Broadus GAINES in Abbeville, S. C. before 1816. Edgefield 1800 census shows Deliah MABRY living near a Robert DAVIS. Are these families connected. Any information appreciated.
Submitter: Ann Fuller (AHF@Backroads.net)
Date: 30 Oct 1998
Searching for information on Frederick Williams and his children.He died 1808 Edgefield Co., S. C. I believe he is the grandfather of Marth Jane WILLIAMS d/o John and Elizabeth, who married William Baylous GAINES in Abbeville ca. 1840.
Submitter: Howard M. Mitchell (HMitchell4@compuserve.com)
Date: 29 Oct 1998
Looking for my ancestors. My GGG GF Joseph Mitchell, b. ca 1801-06, purportedly went to AL (Bibb County) from Edgefield Cty, SC. He married, 1st, to a Nancy Owens, who it is rumored went to AL with him. They were married there in 1823. There were some 12 ch from this marriage. Two of Joseph's daus married Baileys', who were also purportedly from Edgefield County, SC. I have much more info. If anyone even thinks they may have a link, PLEASE, PLEASE contact me. Snail mail if Howard Mitchell, 1239 Downer Dr., Charleston, SC 29412. Pho: (843) 795-0682
Surnames: SHARPTON
Submitter: Michael Sharpton (MSharpton@erac.com)
Date: 29 Oct 1998
I am looking for any information on a Sarah Sharpton and a Charity Sharpton, both in the 1890 census. Some sharptons eventually moved to Ga and on to Al.
Submitter: pam (ppeterson@terraworld.net)
Date: 28 Oct 1998
Ellender ETHERIDGE married a Mr.RICHARDSON in Edge before 1816, had three children, Clarassy, Isabella, and Emmanuel. She then married William JENNINGS abt 1827 and had 6 children: Lott, Rachel, Ellender, Francis Fannis, William, Phillip. Does anyone have info on this family, particularly the first husband, RICHARDSON?
Submitter: pam (ppeterson@terraworld.net)
Date: 28 Oct 1998
Does anyone know the father of Sampson ETHERIDGE who is in theEdgefield county site? I have several Etheridges from Currituck NC that could be his father or grandfather, and would like to connect this line in with my others. Would like to talk to whoever put that info out.
Submitter: Kathleen Cornett (DACORNETT@worldnet.att.net)
Date: 27 Oct 1998
Sarah BECKHAM and John BLEDSOE were married on 9 Sept. 1788 in Edgefield Co. SC according to the family bible. I am looking for any infomation on her parents. Kathleen Cornett
Submitter: Wendy Jacobs (wendy@youngminds.com)
Date: 26 Oct 1998
Researching the MOORE & MOUNTCASTLE families who came from Prince George Co.,VA.
Submitter: Lynsey Gibner Sneddon (sneddonll@juno.com)
Date: 26 Oct 1998
I am interested in finding others researching the CARTER name in Edgefield, SC. I am trying to find the parents of these children, born 1805-1817 in Edgefield, SC: William Hamilton; Jarett m. Matilda __; Frances; Sampson m. Martha F. Stone; Eliza G m. Nicholas Gibner. The family moved to Dallas Co., AL around 1821. Any information appreciated!
Surnames: GUNTER
Submitter: Teresa Gunter Burke (Meerbotdin@aol.com)
Date: 25 Oct 1998
Would like to correspond with anyone researching the surname GUNTER in Edgefield County. My ancestor was James Gunter Sr. b.ca 1777 S.C. He had sons Reuben b.ca1800, Allen b.1801, James Jr. b. ca 1819, all born in Edgefield County, plus other offspring that I don't know about. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Teresa Gunter Burke
Submitter: Diane Bender (exeline@erols.com)
Date: 22 Oct 1998
CROSBY, Joseph C., was b 1816 Edgefield Co. SC. Their son James M. CROSBY was b 1839 Baldwin Co. AL, m Nancy "Nannie" STALLWORTH, who was b 1850 AL. Would like any info taking these lines back.
Surnames: MILES
Submitter: Bill Adams (badams@tca.net)
Date: 22 Oct 1998
According to unverified information, an Aquila MILES married Mary Ann BURT on 6 Sept 1842 in Edgefield County, SC. No source information provided. It is my belief that this Mary Ann BURT must have been the daughter of Eugene BURT. Specifically seeking 1). Verification of such marriage and 2). further identification of this Aquila MILES and his possible relationship with an older Aquila MILES who died in Edgefield County ca 1801. Any and all leads, suggestions, comments appreciated. Willing to share available info. Bill
Submitter: M.B. Watson (mbwatson@premier.net)
Date: 21 Oct 1998
Need info on Van SWEARINGEN (also spelled SWEARENGAIN AND SWEARENHAM?) 1743-1797. Married a Ms. CLOUD. Died in Edgefield S.C. Lt. with the South Carolina Line during the Revolution. Daughter Hannah married CLEARMAN. Info needed: wife's name, parentage, siblings, other children.
Submitter: Sherry Turner Casey (Glubber001@aol.com)
Date: 19 Oct 1998
Looking for any information on the surname MURRAH in Edgefield County in the 1790 Head of Household Census. Also looking for the surname HARE, HAIR, HAIRE. Learns Hair was supposed to have died in Edgefield County. Thanks in advance.
Submitter: Benny Ball (bennybal@mindspring.com)
Date: 18 Oct 1998
ADAMS I have found a land plat on Charles ADAMS near a place called Mountain Branch in the old Edgefield District. Does anyone have info on ADAMS in this area. The land was next to land owned by SMITH and ALLEN I have a lot of info on Adams would love to share info.
Surnames: BLEDSOE
Submitter: Arlene Crawford (acrawf@tacnet.missouri.org)
Date: 18 Oct 1998
I'm trying to locate any and all info on John W. Bledsoe, found on 1850 census in Edgefield Co. Needing parents info, also believed to be named "John"
Surnames: ROSS
Submitter: Bobbie Ross (bwross@htcomp.net)
Date: 15 Oct 1998
URL: http://www.htcomp.net/ross
Seek information on Moses Ross who was in Edgefield District about 1810-1820, married Lena/Adelina ? and family was born here. Moved to Lauderdale Co. AL in late 1820's. Would like to know who his parents were and wife's family.
Submitter: Wendy Jacobs (wendy@youngminds.com)
Date: 15 Oct 1998
Researching all MOUNTCASTLE and MOORE families of 1800 Edgefield Co., SC. These Moores were from Prince George Co.,VA. and were related to General Robt. E. Lee.
Submitter: Lydia Collett (L2Collett@aol.com)
Date: 14 Oct 1998
URL: http://members.aol.com/L2Collett/index.html
Seeking names and info about the parents of Thomas COLLETT who married Mary RAINSFORD in Edgefield SC in 1831.
Submitter: Wayne Stafford (wstaff@tvec.net)
Date: 14 Oct 1998
URL: http://www.tvec.net/~wstaff/index.htm
I am looking for information on Berry L TOWLES born ca 1818 SC; and his mother Frances HUNTER born ca 1799 SC. Could the given name BERRY come from the mother's surname. We first find the family in Sumter Co AL in 1838, when Berry TOWLES married Mary Ann HILL. Trying to find where the family came from in SC. I find the TOWLES and a BERRY family in Edgefield Co, SC. Family was in Freestone Co, TX by 1850.
Submitter: Dinah Redford (dredford@prodigy.net)
Date: 14 Oct 1998
URL: http://pages.prodigy.net/dredford/gedcom/
I am seeking information about Elijah Gilcrease or Kilcrease born about 1770 in South Carolina. In 1830's he travelled to Lowndes County Alabama, he listed with Minor Gilcrease, Nathan Gilcrease, Cletis Gilcrease, John Gilcrease. By 1840 he had moved to Natchitoches Parish Louisiana, he is listed in that census with a Thomas Gilcrease. Minor's children (Bartlett and Lewis) moved to Louisiana. Minor died in Lowndes County Alabama in 1832. After 1840 there is no record for Elijah Gilcrease, I assumed that he has died. I am searching for proof of his children and wife.
Submitter: Bill Adams (badams@tca.net)
Date: 13 Oct 1998
Francis W. BURT, son of Armstead BURT and wife Mary, married Martha Ann HOLMES c 1840. Does anyone have records supporting the middle name of Francis W. BURT. I have information from two different sources, each with completely different middle names. Any help and/or leads greatly appreciated. Bill
Surnames: MILES
Submitter: Bill Adams (badams@tca.net)
Date: 13 Oct 1998
MILES: The will of Margaret MILES, signed 3 Oct 1834 and proved 19 Dec 1834, identifies her youngest children as Aquilla MILES and Margaret MILES and also a son Elbert MILES and daughter Eliza DINKINS. Am seeking information as to the name of her husband and of her father-in-law. Was her father-in-law possibly Aquilla MILES who died c October 1801? Thanks for any help and leads. Bill
Submitter: Maggie Bee (mponds@uswest.net)
Date: 12 Oct 1998
Looking for family of James Airhart, James Thornton, Green Thornton, Hattie Boozer, Carolina Hayes, IWT Hayes, Naomi Hayes.
Submitter: Gary Horne (KYHORNE@aol.com)
Date: 12 Oct 1998
I have a Edward MARTIN, born in SC (12-12-1811) died and is buried in Itawamba Co., Miss. (1-19-1890). Lookingin this area for a MARTIN connection, and these others: ADDERLOLT, BEECHUM, BRANYAN, CASON, CHAMBERS, CLAYTON, COOK, FOOT, GRAY, HORN, HEZELDRAINE, LITTLE, LODEN, MARTIN, MORRIS, RILEY, SHEFFIELD, WHITTEN, WIGGINS, WOOD.
Submitter: JN Duke (jnduke@mindspring.com)
Date: 11 Oct 1998
I am researching the Dickerson family of Edgefield County, SC. The names of two of the daughters are: Sara/Sarah and Mary. Mary was born in December 1800. I do not know their parent's names. Both girls moved to Bibb County, Alabama and married brothers. Sarah married Hopkins Pratt and Mary married Absolom/Absolem Pratt. The Dickersons moved to Warren Co. TN prior to the girls move to AL. Any information on the Dickerson family would be greatly appreciated.
Surnames: LEE PACE
Submitter: Pat (jisom@emailmsn.com)
Date: 08 Oct 1998
Looking for Ludbrook Lee and any children in addition to Martin and Anne. Wife is Charlotte Pace Lee.
Submitter: Joe Cole (jfcole@alltel.net)
Date: 07 Oct 1998
URL: http://www.alltel.net/~jfcole
I'm searching for information on the following families in the Edgefield area. DeLAUGHTER, FLOYD, McCLENDON, NEW, THURMOND or any families related somehow to THURMOND. I have a very extensive database on these families and I'm would like to start extending out the branches especially on the surnames below. Other names related are HUDSON, TAYLOR, SHOCKLEY, BOYD, MOSS, REESE, JONES, DOOLITTLE, STROM. BLACKSTONE, CALLIHAM, SETTEL, MORGAN, MAYSON, BUSSEY, SHARPTON, SWEARINGTON. Each of the above families are related to the THURMONDS & I have only limited data on them so far. Most of my data is posted on my website http://www.alltel.net/~jfcole Joe
Submitter: L. Cook-Edwards (ffunl@cheerful.com)
Date: 07 Oct 1998
Looking for SULLIVAN siblings - Dawson, Seaborn, Ellender, Lucy, Mary, Elizabeth, Thomas - all children of Sarah Roberts and John Sullivan RS b. 1756 in Caroline Co. VA and d. 1839 (will) in Edgefield Co. SC. Did Sarah Sullivan go to MS with Thomas? Will share Thomas' history. Thanks very much.
Submitter: L. Cook-Edwards (ffunl@cheerful.com)
Date: 07 Oct 1998
Thomas Lamar Sullivan b. c. 1797 to John Sullivan RS and wife Sarah Roberts. Thomas in MS by 1830s. Wife is Jane L. on 1850 census. Seaborn and Owen are prominent names in Sullivan family. Will share Thomas. Need info Sarah Roberts. Thanks!
Submitter: Carole Watkins (raycare@bellsouth.net)
Date: 06 Oct 1998
Looking for information on Fenton CUMMING. Fenton CUMMING is listed on the 1860 census twice. He is listed on 29 Aug Beach Island census with Augusta, William age 10/12 and Florida LAMAR. He is on the 24 Sep Edgefield census with Augusta and infant age 1. His other children are: Ella, Barney and Whitfield. Barney's death certificate lists his mother as Mary Ann LAMAR (is this Augusta?). Fenton is a widower on the 1880 census. I would appreciate any information. Thank you.
Surnames: BOLES
Submitter: Pauline Stanhagen (Pauline806@aol.com)
Date: 06 Oct 1998
I would very much like to communicate with descendants of > HARVEY BOLES > of the 1850 Edgefield County, SC census, age 75 born SC. Thanks in advance.
Surnames: BOLES
Submitter: Pauline Stanhagen (Pauline806@aol.com)
Date: 06 Oct 1998
I would very much like to communicate with descendants of > HARVEY BOLES > of the 1850 Edgefield County, SC census, age 75, born SC. Thank U.
Surnames: BOLES
Submitter: Pauline Stanhagen (Pauline806@aol.com)
Date: 06 Oct 1998
I would very much like to communicate with descendants of > HARVEY BOLES > age 75, born SC; 1850 Edgefield county, SC census. Thank U.
Submitter: Ann Farnsworth (afarn@airmail.net)
Date: 05 Oct 1998
Need info on Charley Hester b 1809 SC m. Tempernce ca 1832. Listed on 1850 Edgefield census with ch: Margaret b 1833, Nancy b 1836, Susan b 1838 & Julia Ann b 1841. Is this Nancy Ann Hester b Mar 1836 m.ca 1861 SC Wilson Rufus Carroll? Wilson enlisted in Civil War in Edgefield Co. Any assistance appreciated.
Submitter: carey ouzts (ouztshome@prodigy.net)
Date: 03 Oct 1998
Looking for all information pertaining to the 14th SC infantry and or any Ouzts families
Submitter: George Eichelberger (geich@swbell.net)
Date: 03 Oct 1998
I have some information on the Hollingsworth family from Edgefield around 1850 and later. E-mail me and I will send you a copy of what I have.
Submitter: George Eichelberger (geich@swbell.net)
Date: 03 Oct 1998
I am looking for information about a great grand father that lived in Edgefield around 1860 and died there in 1873. His name is Phillip Adam Eichelberger and he was married to Marguret Ann Hobbs. He and Ann had one son, born in Jan. 26, 1862. His name was George Walter Eichelberger.
Surnames: FORT
Submitter: Charlotte Dilllard Bruce (cbbruce@mindspring.com)
Date: 03 Oct 1998
Looking for parents of WALTER WINGATE FORT b. ca. 1809 in SC (we think it was Edgefield Co.). He moved to Alabama where he shows up on the 1850 Alabama census. He had a son WALTER WILSON FORT. Wondering if Walter is a family name.
Submitter: Virginia Lingelbach (hholland@hom.net)
Date: 02 Oct 1998
I am researching the YOUNGBLOOD family line. Believed to have left Edgefield Co. S.C. and moved to Georgia some shortly prior to or immediately after the Revolutionary War. James Youngblood, a Rev. Soldier , died in Baldwin Co.,Ga. and his grave was marked there by the DAR in 1932. His wife believed to be named Jemima. Other relatives, brothers probably, named Isaac and Abraham. Daughter, Elizabeth, married Isaac Youngblood in Richmond Co., Ga. in 1788. Any info would be appreciated.
Surnames: WARREN
Submitter: Glyn Bolyer (GlynPeg@BellSouth.Net)
Date: 01 Oct 1998
I am searching for information about Elbert and Lydia Warren of Edgefield County S. Carolina. They had the following children. Arthur M. Warren, Rebecca Warren, and Jackson Jeeter Warren born May 23, 1844. It is said they left S.C. for Louisiana around 1844 to 1848. Any information would be appreciated. Glyn Bolyer
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