Obituary of Frank Blakeney, 1899

From the Lancaster Ledger, 27 Sep 1899

Mr. Frank Blakeney, father of our fellow-townsman, Mr. W.A. Blakeney, who came to Kershaw from Texas last December, died at the home of his son here Sunday morning last at 3:30 o'clock, after an illness of several months, from an affection of the liver. Mr. Blakeney was a native of Chesterfield County and left what was known as the Blakeney X roads in 1852 for Alabama where he married his first wife about a year later. She died during the first year of the way. Mr. Blakeney entered the Confederate service and served as a lieutenant during the war. He was captured at Lookout Mountain. He married again right after the war and moved to Texas about twenty years ago where he has resided continuously until coming here less than a year ago. Three children survive him, they are Mr. W.A. Blakeney, Kershaw; B.F. Blakeney, Boneam, Texas; and Mrs. P.M. Green, Jordan, Texas. Other near relatives who survive him are three full brothers, Messr P.M., at Plains, Jno. C. at Monroe, NC, and G.W. in Texas; and three half brothers Messrs Rochel and Preston near Monroe, NC and Whiteford at Plains, and a half sister, Victoria. His stepmother still lives near the old place.

Had he lived until next Friday Mr. Blakeney would have been 66 years old. The funeral services were preached in the Methodist church, of which he was a consistent member, Sunday afternoon by Rev. J.G. Beckwith, the pastor and just as the sun was passing the western horizin his body was laid to rest in our village cemetery with Masonic honors. Just before the conclusion of this last ceremony and after the coffin had been lowered in the grave his brother, Mr. Jno. C. and one of his half brothers arrived from Monroe and at their request the coffin was opened so they could see him. The Era joins with the citizens of Kershaw in sympathy for the beareaved ones. --Kershaw Era

Submitted by Barbara Roesch,