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The Church Minutes For Cashaway Neck Church of Christ 1757-1772:

Transcribed from microfilm of Original Documents
Held by Furman University
Greenville, South Carolina.

Microfilm obtained from
The Southern Baptist Historical Commission
Nashville, Tennessee

By Wm. Glenn Pearson
April 2000

The following is a transcription of the Church Minutes for the Cashaway Church
of Christ (Baptist) of Cheraw District, Craven County, in the Providence of South
Carolina. The Church was located on the Cashaway Neck of the Pee Dee River and was
an offshoot of the Welch Neck Baptist Church.

The original document apparently was in bad shape at the time of the
microfilming process. Many places in the document are very incoherent with apparent
missing portions of the page and in numerous locations, smudges which obliterated
significant portions of text.

I have attempted to translate and transcribe the document in the closest
representation of the original text, spelling, and wording. I made no attempt to correct
known misspelling, for there are numerous instances. There are words where the spelling
was clear, yet actual determination of meaning was not done and was not apparent.
Where wording was missing, I have attempted to leave a "__________" to signify
missing words or phrases.


The Church in Cashaway Neck on Great Pee Dee River was constituted. The Rev.
Mr. John Stephens, the Rev. Mr. John Brown, and the Rev. Mr. Joshua Edwards on the
28th day of September Anno: Dom: 1756, consisting of 14 members-males and females.

June 20th 1767 A.D., the Church being met, proposed to renew their Covenant, agreed to
and made choice also signed the following Articles of Faith and Church Covenants.

The Rev. Evan Pugh, being our Minister.

The Church of Christ in Cashaway Neck on Pee Dee, Craven County, in South
Carolina. The following is a brief confession of our Faith and Church Covenant.

Having been enabled, through divine Grace, to give up ourselves to the Lord, and
likewise to one another according to the Will of God; We account it a duty incumbent
upon us, to make a Declaration of our Faith and Practice, to the Honor of Christ, and to
the Glory of His Name, knowing that thy heart of man believeth unto righteousness, so
with ye mouth, confession is made unto Salvation.

Which Declaration is as follows-Viz:

1. We believe, that the Scriptures of the Old and a New Testaments are the word of
God, and only Rule of Faith and Practice.

2. We believe, that there is but one only living and true God.  That there are three
persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost, who are equal in nature,
power and glory.

3. We believe that before ye world began, God did elect a certain number of men
unto everlasting salvation: whom He did ?? fare distinate ?? to ye adoption of children by
Jesus Christ, of his own free grace and according to ye good and pleasure of His Will:
and that in pursuance of this gracious desire; He did continue and make a Covenant of
Grace and Peace with his son Jesus Christ, own ye behalf of those persons; where in a ??
Saviour ?? appointed, shall spiritual blessings provided for them  as also that their person
with all their Grace & Glory like in the Hands of Christ, and made His care and charge.

4. We believe, that God created first man, Adam, after his image, in his likeness; and
upon the holy and innocent creature, capable of serving and glorifying Him, but he
sinning, and his posterity sinned in him and came short of the Glory of God, the guilt of
whose sin is imputed, and a corrupt nature derived to all his offspring descend from him
by ordinary and natural generations.  That they are by their first birth Carnal and unclean,
even to all that is good, uncapable all doing any, and prone to every sin; and also by
nature Children of Wrath and under a sentence of Condemnation; and so are subject; not
only to a corporal death, and involved in a moral one, commonly called a spiritual, but
are also liable to an eternal death; from all which there is no deliverance but by Christ,
the Second Adam.

5. We believe, that the Lord Jesus Christ, being sent up from everlasting  as ye
Mediator of the Covenant, and He having engaged to be the surety of his profile, did in
fullness of time really assumed human nature, in which nature he really suffered and died
as their substitute, in their room and stead; or by He made all that satisfaction for their
sins which the Law and Justice of God could require; as well as made way for all those
blessings which are needful for them both for time and eternity.

6. We believe that the eternal redemption which Christ had obtained by the shedding
of his blood is special and particular, that is to say that it was only intentionally designed
for the Elect of God, and Sheep of Christ; who only share the special and peculiar
blessings of it.

7. We believe that the justification of God's Elect is only by the righteousness of
Christ imparted to them, without ye consideration of any works of righteousness done
them; and that the full and due Pardon of all their sins and transgressions past, present,
and to come is only through the Blood of Christ according to the _____ his grace.

8. We believe that the work of Regeneration, converse sanctification and Faith, is
not an act of man's free will and power, but of the mighty, afficarious and irresistible
Grace of God.

9. We believe, that all those who are chosen by the Father, Redeemed by the Son,
and sanctified by the spirit, shall certainly and finally forgiven; so that not one of them
shall ever perish, but have everlasting life.

10. We believe that there will be a Resurrection of both the just and unjust; and that
Christ will come a second time to judge both the quick, and dead when he will take
vengence on the wicked, and introduce his own people into his kingdom and glory for
they will be forever with Him. 

11. We believe that Baptism and the Lord's Supper ordinances of Christ, to be
continued until the Second Coming; and that the former is absolutely requisited, doing
stood like the latter; that is to say, those only are to be admitted into the Communion of
the Church and to participate of all ordinances.

12. We believe that singing of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs vocally is an
ordinance of the Gospel to be performed by Believers and that everyone ought to be left
to their liberty in using of it.  (Matthew 26:30) (James 6:19).  Now all and each of these
Doctrines and Ordinances look upon ourselves and on the grateful obligation to embrace. 
maintain, and defend believing it  in one spirit, with one mind _____ together for ye faith
of the Gospels.

13. Now all and each of these doctrines and ordinances we looked upon ourselves
under the greatest obligation to embrace, maintain, and defend believing it to be our duty
to start fast in one spirit. with one mind, striving together for the faith of the Gospel's.

14. Being sensible, that our conversation both in the world and in the Church all to be
as becometh the gospel of Christ; we judge it our incumbent duty to walk in wisdom
toward them that are without ability or strength to exercise a conscience void of offense
toward God and man, by living soberly, righteously, and Godly in this present world.

15. And as to our regard to each other, in our church communion, we esteem it our
duty to walk with each other in all Humility and Brotherly Love to watch over each
others conversation, to stirrup one another to Love and good works; not forsaking the
assembling of ourselves together, as we have opportunity to worship God accordingly to
his revealed will as the case requires to warn, rebuke, and admonished  according to rules
of the Gospel.

16. Moreover we think ourselves obliged to sympathize with each other, in all
conditions, both inward and outward, which God in his Providence, may bring us into; as
also to bear with one another's weaknesses, failings, in infirmities and particularly to
pray for one another, and the Gospel's and the Ordinances thereof, might be blessed as to
the edification and comfort of each other's souls, and for the gathering in all of others to

17. We judge it our indispensable duty to keep ye secrets of the Church, and not to
divulge, to any what is done in church meeting, for the church in this respect, as well as
others, is to be a Garden enclosed, a spring that is shutup, a fountain consealed..

18. Farther we think ourselves obliged according to the ability God shall give us, to
support and defend the gospel, and to do what it is in our power necessary to our
worshiping God in a decent and orderly manner to pray for ministers that God would
open doors of utterance unto him, -to obey him in the work in ye Lord in whatsoever he
admonished us in, according to word of God. -To follow his examples and footsteps, as
far as, warranted by the word of God. -To standby him in all his Trials and afflictions,
defending him in all good causes as far as in ____. -To contribute to his support or
maintence that he may attend to the ministry.

19. We mutually agree and promise, that if God should give us to charge of children,
that we will endeavor to bring them up in the fear, nurture and admonition of the Lord,
and in the same principles and faith which we now sign today.

20. All which duties we solemnly covenant, promise and defend to be found in the
performance of through the gracious assistance of the Holy Ghost;  While we both admire
and adore the grace, which is given us a place, and naming God's House forever

The Names of Members Signing Covenant

Peter Kolb                                             Robert Lide
Martin Kolb                                            Sara Lide
Catherine Kolb                                         Charles Lowther
Benjamin James                                         Ann Lowther
Sara James                                             Mary Lowther
Jeremiah Rowel                                         Sara Lewis
Maney Rowel                                            John Brown
Joseph Alison                                          Sara Brown
Sara Alison                                            Manuel Cox
Thomas Burton                                          Maney Cox
Mary Burton                                            Martha Russell
William Owens                                          Mary Lewis
Jane Owens                                             Edith Kolb
John Keith                                             Mary King
John Whittinton        Anthony Pouncey
Elizabeth Whittinton        John Askue
Nathaniel Cottheen        Eleanor Murphy
Charity Cottheen        Thomas Edwards
James Webb        Alexander Mc Kinney
Rachel Webb Elizabeth can see
William Watkins         Ruth Davis
Elizabeth Watkins George Wilds
James Harry Elizabeth Wilds
Mary Harry John Burke
Thomas Coker _____________
Prisilla Coker _____________
Benjamin James         Ann _________
William Sweat         Sarah Jamison
Elizabeth White

Members Signing Covenant 1767 and After

Peter Kolb Robert Lide
Martin Kolb Charles Lowther
Benjamin James Manuel Cox
Jeremiah Rowel John Brown
Joseph Alison George Wilds
Thomas Burton Anthony Pouncey
William Owens John Burke
John Keith                              Jordan Gibson
John Whittinton Alexander McKinney
Nathaniel Cottheen Thomas Wiggins
James Webb Samuel Russell
William Watkins Arthur Hart
James Harry Jacob Bruce
Thomas Coker Thomas Edwards
Big Benjamin James Rev. Evan Pugh
William Sweet Lewis Meloon
_______________              Phebe Meloon
James________ Margaret Sexton
Xanney  Keith Benjamin Kolb
Ann Webb Moses Murphey
Mary Knott Henry Kolb
Hannah Kimbrough Sarah Kolb
Mary Hodge  
Robert McColl
Ruth Whittington
Robert Hodge
Charles Jenkins
Jeremiah Jenkins
James McGee
Christopher Teale
C. Keith
Ann Peggy McGee
Ann Brown
William Cherry
Sara Cherry
Moses Pearson
Rachel Pearson
Timothy Teale
John Padgett
Deborah Saunders
Patience King
Ann Chambliss
John Chambliss

September 12, 1759,

Constitution of the Church of Christ in Cashaway Neck Baptized in ______ of
their Faith, assuming the Doctrines of Personal Election, the final perserverance of the
Saints in Grace, Being bonded together, have constituted this day a Church Meeting Day.

1. We have chosen Thomas Burton as Clerk of the Church.2.
2. We have chosen our brothers Henry and Peter Kolb as trustees on the half of
the Church to whom the titles for the land on which the meetinghouse now
stands are to be made.
3. That the Church Covenant be read quarterly and to begin at our next meeting.
4. That Fryday, the day next before our monthly meeting be our be our church
meeting day.
5. That brother Joseph Allison is chosen Singing Clerk.
6. That all the members shall keep their place when met
7. That all transient communicants shall have three months to produce their
Letter Of Dismission and all others that shall hereafter come properly  shall
have the same privilege but if they get their Letters of Dismission within the
time allowed the Church shall hear their reasons and judge of lawfulness
thereof and to proceed accordingly.
8. No member of this church shall at any time with out lawful call go to any
horse race, shooting match, or public place of Carnal mirth, or diversion
whatsoever. And when lawfully called shall not stay longer there to do his and
their business and when any person shall have a call to any of the aforesaid
places, they shall produce to the church their reasons for going and the Church
shall judge____________________________.
9. Concluded that no member shall at any time work up or down the river on the
Sabbath Day without a lawful reason, nor shall any member charge hire for
his boat on the Sabbath Day when not working, and no member hired to work
in boats shall charge for or work on the Sabbath Day  on special necessity and
the reasons shall be produced to the church and the church shall judge whether
lawful or not.
10. That when the members are met together on any church business that they
shall speak one by one standing up and shall not be interrupted by any other
until he is done speaking and if any be speaking or whispering in any part of
the house at the same time.  It shall be deemed an interruption.
11. That the majority of votes be deemed the Church voice.

Thursday, December 25th, 1759

Being a Church Meeting Day,

Where as our Reverend Brother Joshua Edwards did before the church confess his
faults, in being overtaken and intoxicated with liquor, and whereas we being indulged
from the Word of God, that such a behavior tends________ to the dishonor of God and
brings a reproach called a holy religion, we therefore on a deliberate consideration
concluded to suspend him from all his ministerial affairs, from Communion in the Church
until the matter properly settled, and or that it may be done in the best matter, we are to
wait till the ministers in the Welsh Neck which is to be on the first Lord's Day March
next and then the matter to be made known _________ church to them and their advice to
be taken for procedure.

February 23rd, 1760

Being a Church Meeting Day

Concluded that Mr. James and Mr. Pouncey shall as messengers for the church,
communicate the determination of the church to the ministers that shall be at the Welch
Neck on Sunday next, and desire them to come down if possible and give their opinions
on the unhappy of affair of our Mr. Edwards.  If none comes then apply to Mr.
Bedgegood and if he refuses then the Churches is to signify their proceedings with their
request in a letter to Mr. Stephens and to the rest of ministers below……….

Concluded that the Rev. Mr. John Brown should act in a ministerial way for this
church until matters be properly settled.

Concluded also that the Sacraments should be administered here tomorrow.

Concluded that as Mr. Charles Lowther for, being guilty of quarreling as appears
by sufficient evidence and his own confession is now suspended from Communion in the
church till he can give satisfaction.

The above last three articles agreed that concluded on in the presence of and with
the affirmation of Rev. Mr. Edwards.

Saturday, March 29, 1760

Being a Church Meeting Day,

Hath concluded that the matter in hand concerning Mr. Edwards be left to Mr.
Bedgegood and Mr. Brown to determine on Monday next or some other day the same
week that may be more convenient.  If they will undertake the matter otherwise referred
to the ministers below as formerly.

Monday, April 7th, 1760

Being a Church Meeting Day,

Whereas Mr. Bedgegood being unwilling to undertake in a matter of so great a
moment without our first advising with our Reverend Brethrens below, we have therefore
now concluded as formerly to have their opinions in the matter and to write by Mr.
Bedgegood to them for it on the present appertaining.

Copy all Letter Sent:

The Church of Christ in Cashaway Neck on Pee Dee River unto the Reverend
Ministers of the Gospel below; Mess.  John Stephens, Oliver Hart, and Samuel Hilman.
Greetings that whereas we stand much of need of advice at this time earnestly request
you'll flavors us here with concerning the affairs depending between the Reverend Mr.
Joshua Edwards and the Church for particulars we refer you to Mr. Bedgegood who
kindly acts for a us as a messenger of this church in the present affair.

Concluded and signed by a few in behath of and by order of the Church.

Mr. Edwards own making profession] Anthony Pouncey
Of his reputance was kindly received] John Brown
Into this church as a private member ] Tom Burton

April 26, 1760

Being a Church Meeting Day,

Whereas. Mr. Richard Ponder was in September last, suspended from
Communion in this Church for excess of drinking and racing, and as he hath hither to
continue into that sin of drinking to excess, refusing to hear the Admonition's of the

We have concluded that the continuance off Excommunication be executed
against him on Sunday next and Mr. Charles Lowther who was suspended on Saturday
23rd of February, being now examined for his appellation to the church gave no
satisfaction, and the suspension is continued.  But Mr. Ponder with the church to defer the
execution of sentence against him for one month which the church granted.

Monday, May 5, 1760

Being a Church Meeting Day,

Wherein we received by the hands of the Rev. Mr. Bedgegood, a letter from our Rev.
Brothers, the Ministers of the Gospel below,  and being an answer to our letter to them of
the Seventh of April last, the contents of which are as follows:

To the Church of Jesus Christ upon Cashaway Neck baptized upon profession of faith. 
The subscribers send Christian salutation

Beloved Brethrens we received a letter by the hands of Rev. Mr. Bedgegood.  Thank you
for the confidence you repose in us.  Sympathize with you under your present difficulties
and would gladly contribute to your relief.  But we find it difficult to act in affairs of so
great a matter.

However, for the information we have heard we must give it our judgment that the
unhappy Mr. Edwards ought to remain silent, how long we wont say. We would advise
you by no means encourage his preaching till our next Association, then apply to that
Venable body for further advice. We wish you an increase of all grace and the addition of
such souls as shall be saved in the day of Christ.

And Subscribed dear Brethrens and
Yours in Gospel Bonds
John Stephens, John Stephens, Samuel Anthony

The above letter being read in the Church in the matter considered it was concluded on by
all the members except two, that our Mr. Edwards shall remain silent till next Association
meeting and then to apply to that to that Mr. Bedgegood for further direction.

Saturday, June 1760

Being a Church Meeting Day,

Mr. Abel James made confession of his fault and folly committed in the Church
last month, monthly meeting and submitted himself to the Church in a very becoming
manner which the Church thought very sufficient and profess all the offences by in love. 
Mr. James also gave an account of Mr. Edwards behavior concern the church which
acknowledged is kept writing.

Saturday, June 21, 1760,

Being a Church Meeting Day,

Having heard and considered many things said to Mr. Edwards charged by Abel
James some of which did before appear to us and for which with some matters the
Church has now included to suspend him from church membership till he shall give the
Church satisfaction  the crimes are these, his, endeavoring to provide strife and
contention in the Church, his denying some things contrary to the knowledge of several
members in the Church, an a unbecoming behavior in the Church when Mr. Hart was

This day Mr. Richard Ponder having made application to the Church for admittance and
on his confession, the matter being considered he was restored again to his place

Saturday, July 26,1760

Being a Church Meeting Day,

Having concluded that for some bad behavior at Mr. Gibson's, Mr. Reuben Ping  place
do not take his place tomorrow at Communion and that Mr. Abel James do ask him to be
here the next opportunity in order to give the church satisfaction.

Concluded that for profane language, Mr. John Jamison be also set by from Communion
and Mr. David Burke is to ask him to be here the next opportunity in order to give the
church satisfaction.

Concluded that Mr. William Stephens, for excess of drinking, swearing, and breach of
Covenant being sufficiently __________against him, be excommicated from Union and
Communion in the church.

Concluded that Mr. Anthony Pouncey have been for sometimes since chosen as Deacon
and appointed that he'd be ordained to that office on Thursday next and that Mr.
Bedgegood be sent for as an assistant on the occasion.

This day, Mr. James baptized.

Saturday, August 23rd, 1760

Being a Church Meeting Day,

Mr. Thomas and his wife and John Ware and Frank Whittington Jr. was baptized and
received into full communion.

Friday, Sept. 26, 1760

Being a Church Meeting Day,

Concluded that Mr. Rubin Peing and his wife for rendering themselves from the church
on account of the Church dealing with Mr. Edwards are this day suspended from
Communion and this church and until they shall give proper satisfaction and Mr. Peing is
also to clear himself of that accusation of his being much in liquor.

That Mr. John Jamison for saying that Mr. Brown did sometime not long-ago preach false
doctrine and being now asked in what particulars, he said not remember, and is therefore
this day suspended until satisfaction be given.

That Mrs. Jamison, having now publicly accused Church of dealing too severely with her
in an affair subsisting between she and Mrs. Burton last month meeting and the Church
then Concluded as there was a small debate between them if they could freely forgive
each other the charge would be satisfied and they might take their places but either could
not forgive then she that could not forgive was to set by which Mrs. Jamison, refusing to
do so was ordered not to take her place and as the charge the church hearing  her ill in
this matter is now suspended till she showed give proper satisfaction to the church.

Saturday, October 25th, 1760

Being Church Meeting Day

Concluded that Mr. Nathaniel Cauthen on applying shall have a Letter of Definition.

Concluded that James Webb and Anthony Pouncey, as Messengers of the Church do go
to Richard Ponder and inquire in the matter laid against him, and appoint him to be here
next monthly meeting.

As James White is accused of drinking freely if here tomorrow to be spoken to by Mr.
James and Mr. Owens and to be desired to set by from Communion.  That the affair of
Mr. Rowels be preceded in this matter that Thomas Burton and Mary Burton speak to Mr.
Rowell and his wife and if no satisfaction be given then order them both to be set by from
Communion. This day Manuel Cox and Massey his wife and Sara Brown were baptized.

Saturday, November 22nd, 1760

Being a Church Meeting Day

Having concluded that Mr. Richard Ponder for his persisting in drunkenness, swearing,
and paying no regard to the Admonitions of the Church, be tomorrow Excommunicated
from the privileges of this Church to God shall restore him by repentance.

The Mr. James White for excess of drinking do be suspended from this Church until
satisfaction be given.

That Mr. Lowther be here next monthly meeting and that Mr. Brown and Thomas Burton
desired Major Buchholtz and Mr. Gibson be here.

Monday, December 8th, 1760

Being a day set apart for considering the affairs depending between the Church and Mr.
Edwards as we had the happiness to have the assistance of the Rev. Mr. Stephens and Mr.
Bedgegood, we proceeded as followeth, the Church provided the particular alleges
against Mr. Edwards in his last suspension and Mr. Edwards made what defense he
could.  Mr. Stephens and Mr. Bedgegood, when they had heard both parties and found
the Strengths of the suspension and the insufficiency of the defense made by Mr.
Edwards advise the Church as their incumbent duty for their own peace and Mr. Edwards
to continue suspension till a manifest repentance appeared.

Saturday, January 21st, 1761-

Church Meeting Day

Concluded that all suspended members be absent in time of Church Business but may be
admitted if any application made to the Church.

Saturday, March 21st, 1761-

The church Meeting Day

Concluded that as Mr. Charles Lowther had professed a sincere repentance for his faults-
was this day received again into Union and Communion with this Church.

Saturday, July 25th, 1761-

Church Meeting Day

Concluded that Mr. John Jamison and his wife, both having made a profession of their
sincere repentance for their offenses to the satisfaction of the church was this day again
received as members and to their places.

This day Mrs. Short and Mrs. Keith were baptized and received as members in the
Church and Mrs. Hannah Murphy having brought a Letter of Dismission from the Mars
Bluff Church-was this day received with us.

Saturday, Aug. 22nd, 1761

Concluded that Mr. Edwards for discontinued obstitnanacy and frequent charging the
Church with unjustfulness, be Excommunicated tomorrow unless he promised not to
disturb the Church will be allowed him till Sunday next after our next monthly meeting-
which promised he afterwards made and excommunication was deferred as above to our
next monthly meeting.

Saturday, Sept. 27, 1761

Mrs. Charity Cathen was this day baptized. Mr. Edwards did this day publicly
acknowledge fault and profess repentance, for he was again received into this church as a
private member and was also this day dismissed to the Catfish Church.  Mr. John Thomas
and his wife was also this day dismissed to the Church in the Welch Neck and Mr. John
Bowin also to the same church

Two years missing

Saturday, July 16th, 1763

This day a difference between Morris Murphy and Thomas Burton which had been of
sometimes standing was before this church settled and made up, each of them confessing
themselves faulty and forgave each other.

Saturday, December 22nd, 1764

Being a Church Meeting Day

The Rev. Evan Pugh was present, concluded that the Communion shall be held quarterly
and begin the first Sunday in February, that the days of church business do continue
monthly as formally, that the preparation days for the Communion to be quarterly and on
the Sunday preceding the Communion.

Saturday, February 23rd, 1765

Anna Hartsville was, on a Letter of Recommendation, taken into full Union and
Communion with us.  Also Mrs. Whittinton, Rosaner Barnett was also by letter admitted
as a transient communicant.

Two years missing

May 16th, 1767

Church Meeting Business. 

Concluded Mrs. Hannah Murphey be suspended from Communion.

Martin Kolb appointed as Messenger of Care to Mr. Lowther.  Mr. John Keith is to
inquire about something charged on Mr. Cathin.

Concluded to have Communion ye Sabbath of this Instant

Concluded that ye pulpit be moved to the end of ye Meeting House.  Martin Kolb
undertaken to see it done.

Saturday, May 29,1767

John Barden, by a letter from ye Church at Kekuky, North Carolina, was received
as a member in full Union and Communion

Also Big Benjamin James was received into ye Church, being baptized before.

Saturday, June 20th, 1767

Mr. Lowther appeared but not giving satisfaction.  It was put off to another time

Saturday _________ 29th, 1767

By letter from the Church at  _______  North Carolina, John Barton was received as a

January 19th, 1769

_______ the Church  ______into ye________________ too much_______his son to

Concluded in ye Church that ye names of _______these ______from Church on Business
Meeting, be __________to give their reasons at ye next time of their attending.

Report being made to ye Church______________had drank too much. Mr. Lide is
appointed Messenger of Care____________ to speak to John Keith to come to our next
Church Meeting and witness about Mr. Owen's drinking too much.

This day, Samuel Russel and Agnes Gibson were accepted in ye Church as members
having been baptized_____________

Saturday, February 18th, 1769,

Church Met

Mr. William Owens appeared: the Church agreed to suspend his case till next Day of
Business. John Keith, not being present, Mr. Coker is appointed a Messenger to Mr.
Keith for him to appear next Day of Business.

Concluded that in as much as Judson Gibson was ??present?? by a journey, and he had in
hand, the matter is deferred to March Business Day, he promising then to appear.

Concluded that James Harry go to Charles Lowther and request him to meet the Church
on the next day of Business.

Saturday, March 18, 1769

William Owens having had Repentance manifested to ye satisfaction of ye Church, they
forgave him and confirmed their love to him.

Judson Gibson did not appear. Joseph Alison is appointed a Messenger to him, to let him
know that ye Chuch has concluded to cut him off next day of Business, if he doeth not

Nothing appeard against. Mr. Witinton therefore he took  his place.
April 15, 1769

Charles Lowther appeard and confessed that he had fallen into bad company and danger
in ye Winter ______. His case was considered and deferred till next Church Meeting.

Judson Gibson appeard this ______ ______ to him and the Church proceedings in the
matter between him.  He manifested repentance to the

August, 19, 1769

The Church met, appointed Manuel Cox, Messenger to Mrs. _______ to tell her that if
she does not appear at next Church Meeting, she will be cut off.

Also appointed Robert Lide a Messenger to Charles Lowther to tell him what the Church
thought of him and to appear at the next Church Meeting.

Concluded by ye Church that ye Point of Woods between ye Meeting House and River
on Fryday, Nov.______

September 16th, 1769

Church Met,

Mr. Charles Lowther appeared and his case was considered  and at his request he asked
for an amendment. Church concluded to wait longer with him to see what ye Lord may
do for him, and how he will behave himself here after.

Whereas Mrs. Hannah Murphy, a member of this Church, having vilified several of ye
members of ye Church, _______ ye church, neglected her place, _____susprised ye
authority of ye Church after having made use of all ye means we could tame her, but in
vain. Ye Church concluded to Excommunicate her, and it is hereby done, and to be
publick spread tomorrow until she returns by repentance.

Concluded by ye Church that Jacob Ham is no longer a member of this Church.

April 11, 1770

Church Met,

It is reported to ye Church that Mr. James Harry was drunk in sometime in ye Winter
present which he confessed before ye Church.

For which the Church suspended him in _________ of ye Church until he is brought to

May 19, 1770

The Church met on Business

Mr. Charles Lowther was present-his case considered, and find that his________ together
according to the Gospel_______ since he was suspended the Church concluded to wait
with Mr. Lowther is in a State of Reformation, and amendment of

Where as a report being made to ye Church that Mr. William Owen had lately been
overcome by Liquor and had been drunk- The Church appointed Mr. Coker as Messenger
to him.

June ____, 1770

Mr. William Owens appeared – ye Church to confess ye charges brought against him and
__________ that appeared too evident and he was overcome with Liquor for which ye
Church suspends him from her Communion until he shews signs of Repentance for ye
same. The suspension is private, in ye Church only.

Charles Lowther appeared before ye Church, he said________about his Repentance, but
he giving________   _______ to ye Church, his suspension is continued.

William Owens lodged a complaint against Big Benjamin James for having sold a mare
to him, but was not delivered. This matter was settled between them by ye Church.   On
this fastin Mr. James to deliver to Martin Kolb immediately  25 bushells of Corn and give 
up to Mr Owens; or also to pay Mr. Owens 40 Bushells of Corn next Fall to which all
parties concerned agreed.

September ______, 1770

Thomas Coker, being appointed last month a Messenger to site Benjamin James Sr, to
appear this Day at ye Meeting House, to give his reasons for his absenting himself from
his place in ye Church. Bur as Mr. Coker is not here today, Mr. James case is deferred till
next Day of Business in ye Church.

James Harry appeared but not giving satisfaction, ye Church his suspension is continued.

Concluded by ye Church to have a Communion Table made, and to be paid for out of ye
collections made at Communion.

Mr. Barden is to make it by ye next Communion Day

October 20th, 1770,

Church Met

Concluded that Mr. ________ a Messenger of Care to Benjamin James
_________________________________ about his absenting himself from his place.

Mr. William Owens to be a Messenger to Anthony Pouncey.

Mr. Charles Lowther to appear next Day of Business.
Mr. Coker appointed a Messenger to John Keith to ______  to keep his place on Day of
Church Business, Also the same message to Jacob Bruce, both having been absent 3 days
of Business.

James Harry appeared and made a confession of his repentance to ye Church and seeing
no reason to continue ye suspension.any longer, he was restored to his place.

Upon William Owens requesting his Place in ye Church and manifesting  Repentance for
his sins, is now restored to his place

Report made to ye Church of Mrs. Jemisons misconduct … church appoint Mr
Benjamin James Junr a Messenger of Sight….. to meet next Day of Business.

November 7th, 1770

The Church met upon Business for Benjamin James, Jr. who was appointed Messenger to
Mrs. Jemison to appear this Day before the Church to answer a Complaint made against
her conduct. But where as none appeared today to accuse her – ye Church concluded to
put it off till next Day of Business.

Mr. Lowther appeared. He was lately accused of that which was false concerning a mare
at each ……. But those appearing (no proof against him concerning the matters) therefore
it is dropped. Mr Lowther having for a long time been under suspension,.but now having
manifested Repentance, he was restored to his place this 17th Nov. 1770.

December 15, 1770,

Church Met on  Business.

Mrs. Jamison appeared for Case is considered. Mrs Jamison's case is put off until next
day of business.

Big James's Case is deferred until another opportunity upon when Mr. Hart sent to ye
Church in Writing.

January 19th, 1771

The complaint brought against Mrs. Jamison by Mr. Owens is dropped for that he having
appeared to answer ye complaint 3 days of business and Mr. Owens did not appear
against her.  A Complaint made by Mrs. Jamison against Mr. Owens for saying Mrs.
Jamison____________ him ye Mrs. Jamison said that barrel ______________ was
forgiven which she says is not true. Complaint made by Mrs. Jamison go Mr. Burke that
he wronged her by hire evidence against her in a Lawsuit before Mr. Alson.

February 16th, 1770/71

Mr. William Owens has not appeared and where as we have heard shocking accounts of
her conduct in drinking too much. The Church therefore appointed Manuel Cox to
summon him to the Church at ye Church Next Day of Business.

Mr. Burk, not being present—Joseph Alison is appointed to summon him to appear next
day of Business.

March 16th, 1771

Where is bad reports are still made by ye Church of  Mr William Owens Conduct. The
Church appoints Martin Kolb to summon him to appear before ye Church next day of
Business to answer ye complaints made against him.

Benjamin James Sr. came to ye Church and appeared in agreeable temper of mind.

April 20, 1771

Where as Jon. Burke having taken ________to clear himself from ye charge brought
against him by Mrs Jamison, he it to ye satisfaction of all ye

April 21, 1771

Pursuent to ye conclusion and determination of ye church to excommunicate William
Owens for the sin of Drunkeness- which was agrevated and highten by that of breaking
ye Sabbath, keeping bad company, breaking solem resolution and Declaration, entered
into and made by him against Drinking Spiriteous Liqueor- excepting Church advised
him to drink upon his making known there things to ye Church- all ye members strongly
advised him to keep his vow sacred, and not ____unto Liquor, but he broak through all _
______of God- and when he wasa sent to to  he refused to come to ye Church, - after
fhaving waited with him for several months and to reclaim him but to no avail. He still
continued his bad ways of living. -- Therefore ___this day Excluded from being a
member of this Church until he returns by repentance.

May 18th, 1771

John Burke having produced to ye church copies of ye oaths of Mr. Wright and his wife-
which fully clears Mr. Burke of what was alledged against him by Mrs. Jamison.

This Day, Mr. Edwards and Sarah Edwards were admitted as members into this Church
as being dismissed from ye Church in the Welch Neck.

Whereas it appears to ye Church that the Complaint brought by Mrs. Jamison against Mr.
John Burke was very wrong and with just care be given by Mr. Burke, and her Conduct
in ye Church and all others___towards Mr. Burke has been very unbecoming a professor
of Christianity—also she promised at our next Church Meeting that she would
pay______ ye caught ____in getting Mr._____________________

_____Church. We have thought proper to appoint Peter Kolb a Messenger to Her, to
summon her to appear before the Church next day of Business.

Whereas Anthony Pouncey having neglected his place for a long time, and also it being
said of him, that he went to a horse race therefore Mrs. Thomas Coker is appointed to
summon him to appear before ye Church next day of Business.

Concluded that Mr. Martin Kolb is to get a Church Book first opportunity he has- Also
Mr. Pugh is, ye first opportunity to speak to ye silversmith about a cup.

June 15th, 1771

Mr. Peter Kolb, being appointed as messenger to Mrs. Jamison, Last Day of Church
Business,-he complied with his charge in delivering his message, and Mrs Jamison came
to ye Church at the time appointed, but refused to hear or pay any regard to what ye
Church said to her in ______ between she and Mr. Burke, and absolutely denied that
___ever said that she would pay all ye compensating Mr. Burke and says she only agreed
to pay for ye Bath which further she says she never will pay any more- except or shoulb
be forced by law.- _______having and still continuing to be very unbecoming and _____
to ye Gospel. The Church there fore concluded _____her by taking ye matter by and wait
until ye next day of Business in ye Church _____of a Reformation in her-. But if there
appears amendment in her by that time- The conclusion she sall then be

Arther Hart is apponted Messinger to John Keith to summon him to appear next day of
Business  to clear himself from a Report made of his drinking much spirituous liquors.

July 20, 1771

Mr. Arthur Hart(having been appointed messenger to John Keith) to deliver his message
________ this report to ye Church. _ Mr. John Keith denied all and said he was able to
clear himself, but not now by reasong of a journey which he was obliged to go on.

Anthony Pouncey appeared ____ horse race  being under a obligation to go to it. And of
being absent from ye Church many times by reason of Circumstances in life  Ye Church
admonished him as its duty and hopes for ye future he will be present more than in the

Mrs. Jameson came to ye Church- but appeared very bitter against Mr. Burke- and
declares she can not forgive him, nor sat in Communion with him, nor she ever will set in
Communion with him. But has now agreed to pay ye cost in getting Mrs. Wright sworn in
ye affair between Mr. Burk and Mrs. Jamison.- Mrs. Jamison having complied to pay ye
above mentioned amount but she refused Last Day of Business therefore ye Church
agreed to put off Excommunication but suspend her from ye Communion_________ in
order to try to _____her.

__________15th, 1771

John Keith appeared and denied every _____Truth of that Report brought against him
____drinking too much and since as much as no one appeared against him he was fully
acquitted by ye Church.

January 15th, 1772,

Mrs. Jamison's case is considered _____as she seems as bitter as ever against Mr. Burk.
The Church concluded to defer ye matter and to__--some _____ of Reclaiming her and
Reconsidering______ and Mr. Burke.

____Anthony Pouncey appeared and excused himself from being absent from ye Church
by reasons of Circumstances in Life.

_____James appeared and asked that his case be delayed for a month longer, when he
promises to give us more satisfaction

This concludes the available minutes for Cashaway Neck Church. The microfilm
roll from the Southern Baptist Historical Commission  starts the Minutes for Mount
Pleasant Baptist Church following the last date above.
Cashaway continued to meet officially until the late 1780's under the Cashaway
Neck/ Mt Pleasant name then it was officially changed to Mt. Pleasant.


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