IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. I Joseph Coleman, State of South Carolina and Union District, being in a low State of Health, but in sound mind and memory and calling to mind the certainty of death do make and Constitute this my last will and Testament in manner and form following Viz..
1st Item I give and bequeath unto my son Nathan Coleman one Affrican neagro boy by the name of Sam, one Sorrel Horse, one bed and furniture, one Cow and Calfe to him and his heirs forever.
2nd Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Coleman, one bed and furniture and one Cow and Calf and Three Hundred Dollars in cash when she becomes of age or marries to her and her heirs forever.
3rd Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Coleman one bed and furniture, one Cow and Calf and Three Hundred Dollars in cash when she becomes of age or marrys to her and her heirs forever.
4th Item I give and bequeath unto my son Daniel Coleman one bed and furniture, one Cow and Calf and Three Hundred Dollars in cash to him and his heirs forever.
5th Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anna Coleman one bed and furniture, One Cow and Calf, and Three Hundred Dollars in cash when she becomes of age or marrys to her and her heirs forever.
6th Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Susanna Coleman one bed and furniture, one Cow and Calf and Three Hundred Dollars in cash when she becomes of age or marrys to her and her heirs forever.
7th Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Permeale Coleman one bed and furniture, one Cow and Calf and Three Hundred Dollars in cash when she becomes of age or marrys to her and her heirs forever.
8th Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sytha Coleman one bed and furniture, one Cow and Calf and Three Hundred Dollars in cash when she becomes of age or marrys to her and her heirs forever.
9th Item after my just debts are paid I and all the rest of my Estate to my beloved wife Sytha Coleman during her life for the support of her and the children and after her death to be equally divided among all my Sonís and Daughters
Item Itís my wish and desires that if my negroes or slaves should prove disobedient that they shall be sold and the moneys converted to the use of my family.
Itís my wish and desire that Sytha Coleman my loved wife be my Executrix and Bennard Glenn, my sons Nathan Coleman and Daniel Coleman Executors in witness hereof I have Set my hand and Affix my Seal this day of one Thousand Eight hundred and Six.
Signed and Sealed in presents of us.
(Nothing on this line)
(No Witness)
Probate (Seal)
State South Carolina
Union District
Personally came
William Hobson
Before me and maid Oath on the Holey Evingalish of almighty God and saith on his oath that he was sent for by Joseph Coleman now Dec. He went to the s. Joseph Coleman house the said Coleman. The s. Coleman told him the business he wanted him to do was to wright his last will and testament. The said Coleman gave him a memorandom of his will. The s. Coleman told him to take it home and wright his will and he would send for it within a few days. The said Coleman did send for it. Some time after I saw the said Coleman and asked him how he like his will. He said very well, he further swares that this is same will that he wrote at the s. Colemans request.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30 August 1806.
William Hobson
W. Johnson I. P.
Recorded in will book A, Page 207, Box Package
Recorded on the 30, of August 1806
W. Johnson I. P.
Last Update Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:24:11 MDT
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