state of South Carolina Being Stricken in Years But of a sound
and disposing mind and memory (The Lord be Praised therefore)
and Calling to mind the uncertainty of human life; Have Thought
Proper to make and Publish This my Last Will and Testament in
manner and form following (That is to say) When it Shall Please
the Lord to Call me from this Transitory world; I recommend my
Soul to the Mercy of God who gave it and my Body to the Earth
to be Buried in a Decent and Christian Like manner at the Dis-
cression of my Executors herein after named; AND as Touching
such worldly Estate as it has Pleased the Lord in his Infinite
mercy to bless me with, I have Thought Proper to Dispose Thereof
as follows
First It is my Will and Desire That all my Just Debts, Doctors bill
and Funeral Charges Shall be first fully satisfied and Paid
out of my Personal Property and the remainder of my Estate both
Real and Personal I have Thought fit to Dispose of it as here-
after mentioned
Imprimus I give and Bequeath unto my two Sons, Roger Potts and Jesse
Potts one Plantation or Tract of Land Containing Three Hundred
Acres whereon they now live that is to say one hundred and
fifty Acres to each of them, one hundred of these three hun-
dred Acres of Land I had formerly laid out for my son Joseph
Potts whereon he now lives on and Joins one Hundred Acres laid
out for my son Roger Potts which is my wil1 and desire that the
same one hundred be equally divided Between Roger Potts and
Jesse Potts my two sons them and their Heirs to hold and to
have the same forever
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Son John Potts and his assigns for-
ever one Hundred Acres of land being part of a tract of 400 Acres
which said one hundred I had surveyed and laid Out for him,
which tract of Land he sold to his Brother Roger Potts his
Heirs and assigns forever and Received Value for the same with my
consent and it is my Will and Desire That the said Roger Potts
my son his heirs and assigns do hold the same forever whereon
the said Roger Potts now Lives
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Joseph Potts the sum of five
Shillings to be paid to him by my Executors in Twelve months
after my Decease if Demanded
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Three Daughters as hereafter ment-
ioned the following property to be paid unto them by my Exe-
cutors at the end of two Years after my Decease in the manner
and form following
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Kiz Brown or her heirs the
sum of ten Dollars to be paid in property into her by my Exe-
cutors out of my Real and personal Estate at the end of two
years after my Decease
Item I Give and Bequeath unto Isabella Lamb or her Heirs one Horse
to the Value of 40 Dollars to be paid unto her by my Executors
at the end of two Years after my Decease out of my real and
Personal Estate
Item I Give and Bequeath unto Lyda Insco the sum of 40 Dollars,
Twenty four of which I paid her husband and it is my will that
the Balance be paid unto her by my Executors out of my real
and Personal Estate in two Years after my Decease
Item I Give and Bequeath unto Elizabeth Addington my Daughter the
sum of Twenty Dollars to be paid unto her for the support of
her son William Addington by my Executors out of my Real and
Personal Estate at the end of two Years after my Decease
Item I Give and Bequeath unto the Heirs of my Daughter Catharine
Lee the sum of five shillings to be divided among them to be
paid to them by my Executors out of my Real and Personal Estate
in two Years after my Decease if Demanded
Item I Give and Bequeath to the Heirs of my Daughter Sarah Kelly
the Sum of five shilling to be paid unto them by my Executors
out of my Real and Personal Estate at the end of two Years
after my Decease if Demanded
Item It is my will That my Personal Estate shall be Disposed of
to the best advantage by my Executors after my Decease
and I do hereby nominate Constitute and appoint my two Sons
Roger Potts and Jesse Potts to be my Executors To see this my
last will and Testament Executed, hereby Revoking and making
Void all all other and former wills and Testaments by me
heretofore Made; and Declaring this sheet of paper written on
one side only and no other to Contain my last Will and
Testament; IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
Seal This NINTH DAY of May in the Year of our Lord one Thousand
Eight hundred and one
Samuel Kenedy his
John Kenedy George X Potts (Seal)
Andrew Kelly mark
Recorded in Will Book A, Page 148
Recorded 10 March 1802
Ben Haile Ordy
Box 3 Package 48
Last Update Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:24:16 MDT
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